CECIMO becomes member of the new High Level Group on Key Enabling Technologies

A new High Level Group (HLG) on KETs was launched today to assist the Commission in the implementation of the European strategy for KETs. Mr Javier Eguren, former CECIMO President is appointed as member of the HLG and he will be assisted in this work by Mr. Filip Geerts, CECIMO Director General, in his capacity as Sherpa. CECIMO welcomed the initiative as a complementary and supportive action to the recent European Communication on Industrial Policy. The major objective of this strategy is to reverse the declining position of Europe in industrial production in the world by tapping into the potential of key enabling technologies to boost productivity, innovation and, thus, competitiveness of the European manufacturing base.
Filip Geerts comments: “It [the Key Enabling Technologies Initiative] aims to develop the right framework conditions in Europe to enable the manufacturing industry to build its competitiveness on the cutting-edge technologies which will shape the future production processes and products.” Affirming that CECIMO, as representative of advanced manufacturing technologies, will play an active role in the High Level Group, he stated: “To be able to produce the products of the future, first, you need to produce the means to manufacture them. Europe will be a game-changer in world manufacturing as long as it maintains its leading position in production technologies.”