CECIMO publishes today the AM Activities Report, which collects the main achievements of 2017 and the challenges ahead in the additive manufacturing field. Dynamism characterizes the international additive manufacturing (AM) market nowadays. New business...
Taking into account the digitisation process transforming the European machine tool industry, CECIMO decided to develop a compendium, collecting various business practices already on the market and showcasing the digital evolution of the sector. This campaign aims to...
IDEA Consult in consortium with CECIMO, the European Association of the Machine Tool Industry, VTT, the Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd and AIT, the Austrian Institute of Technology, has recently published a report on 3D printing. This report aims to detect...
The latest edition of the EU Innobarometer, which gives a snapshot of developments and expectations of the EU business community on innovation, was released in mid-July 2016. Conducted in February 2016 and covering over 1150 manufacturers EU-wide, the survey included...