On Friday 11 February 2022, CECIMO hosted a virtual conference from 13.45 to 14.30 in the framework of the EU Industry Days.

About the conference

Over the past decades, the manufacturing sector has faced changes on multiple fronts. This is a result of the digital transformation which goes beyond the digitisation of existing processes. It is of utmost importance to have a skilled workforce for mastering the digital and green transition of the manufacturing sector, given that upskilling and reskilling at scale can enhance the economic dynamism of businesses, at the same time as it can create an ecosystem that ensures all workers are employable and productive in the new world of work. The EU needs to form a new generation of skilled workers to achieve a high level of competitiveness and facilitate the industrial twin transition. In order to prepare for the future of manufacturing work, and to succeed in it, we must ensure that people are at the center of the industry’s digital and green transformation. 


Opening remarks 

  • Moderator: Jasper van Loo, Coordinator, Department of VET and Skills, Cedefop

Welcome speech

  • Dr.-Ing. Heinz Jürgen Prokop, CECIMO President

Panel debate

  • Cristina Oyón, Director of Technology, Innovation and Sustainability, SPRI Group 
  • Barbara Colombo, CEO of FICEP spa and President of UCIMU-Sistemi per Produrre  
  • Dr. Konstaninos Georgoulias, Director of Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) and EU Affairs, EIT Manufacturing 
  • Menno Bart,  Senior Public Affairs Manager, Adecco Group

Closing remarks 


Dr.-Ing. Heinz-Jürgen Prokop

CECIMO President

Dr.-Ing. Heinz-Jürgen Prokop started his career within the Institute of Machine Components in Stuttgart where he obtained his doctorate degree in Engineering in 1989. After holding various external positions as Managing Director, in 2012 he became a Managing Director of Development and Purchasing at TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co. KG. Since 2017, he  has been a member of the Group Executive Board as CEO MT. Dr.-Ing. Prokop was Chairman of the German Machine Tool Builders’ Association (VDW) for the last 6 years and is now the President of CECIMO.

Cristina Oyón

Director of Technology, Innovation and Sustainability, SPRI Group

Cristina Oyon is Director of Technology, Innovation and Sustainability at SPRI, the Basque Business Development Agency in Spain. She has been appointed as member of the European Commission Industrial Forum and she is the leader of the Group of Experts Women in Manufacturing of the World Manufacturing Forum.

Barbara Colombo

CEO of FICEP spa and President of UCIMU-Sistemi per Produrre

Barbara Colombo is the president of UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE, the Italian machine tools, robots and automation systems manufacturers’ association. She is also the Managing director of FICEP Spaa three-generation, family-owned company, leader in the field of machine tools for steel construction, sheet metal working and hot forging. Since June 2020, she has been the Treasurer of CECIMO. 

Dr. Konstantinos Georgoulias

Director of Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) and EU Affairs, EIT Manufacturing 

Dr. Konstantinos Georgoulias owns a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and has been actively involved in innovation and research activities from 2002. He is currently the Director of Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) and EU Affairs at EIT Manufacturing, managing the outreach of EIT Manufacturing across Europe. Previously, he has been working on a large variety of technologies and topics in the fields of production systems planning, flexibility and change management, mass customization, operational planning, supply chain management, supplier selection practices and networked manufacturing and has cooperated with companies from several different industrial sectors (automotive, aerospace, white goods and several more).

Menno Bart

Senior Public Affairs Manager, Adecco Group

Menno Bart is a labour market expert , working as Senior Public Affairs Manager at the Adecco Group. As such, he is responsible for managing the Group’s relationships with global and European policy makers, and for representing the Group in institutional settings. Menno holds mandates at the World Employment Conferderation (WEC), the industry federation representing the HR services industry. In addition, Menno is closely involved with employment and social policy topics working via BusinessEurope, the International Organization iof Employers and Business at OECD. 

Jasper van Loo (moderator)

Coordinator Department for VET and Skills, Cedefop

Jasper van Loo coordinates the labour market and skills intelligence work of the European Centre for the development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). He has a master degree in quantitative and general economics and holds a Ph.d. in social sciences. After leading Cedefop’s monitoring work on VET systems and policies for several years, Jasper currently focuses on research and analysis on skills, training and employability and the green and digital transition.

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