Best practices of digital transformation in the European machine tool industry

18 January 2017

Before the end of 2017, CECIMO launched a campaign among its members to accelerate the uptake of the digital solutions provided by the European machine tool industry. To do that, we require the industry to share with its user sectors the benefits and added value of using digital solutions developed by machine tool builders. The campaign particularly targets machine tool users from the automotive, aerospace, energy, medical devices and other machinery industries.

At the end of the process, we want to help machine tool builders sharing good practices among themselves and to convey messages towards policy-makers at the EU and national levels. Showing the latest innovations from the machine tool industry may increase the political support for our companies.

The campaign aims at developing 30 case studies of digitisation from forerunner machine tool companies and disseminating them across Europe, to be gathered in a compendium.
Once the case studies will be collected, CECIMO will disseminate the best practices via the CECIMO website, social media and sectorial magazines as well as digital platforms/websites managed by the CECIMO National Associations, publication of hard copies and circulation by post and at industrial exhibitions.

An event at the European Institutions will close the campaign, so to increase the awareness of EU policy-makers on the digitisation of the MT industry and increase political support and funding for further development of the sector.

For further information, you can contact Emir Demircan (emir.demircan (at)