CECIMO and AITA3D partnership to promote Additive Manufacturing at EMO

CECIMO and AITA3D (the Italian association for additive manufacturing, spin-off of UCIMU) decided form a partnership to promote the AM sector during the next EMO Milano which will take place from the 4 -9 Oct 2021.
Both associations will join forces and share a booth to promote the technology, its applications, and other relevant aspects such as skills and education in this sector. This will allow us to reach a larger audience and promote this growing industry during EMO.
Among the activities planned, there will be new edition of the International Additive Manufacturing Conference together with other raise awareness activities to be organised directly at the joint booth. This will help to promote the latest development in the Additive Manufacturing industry and provide information for those already operating in this sector or those wishing to have a better understanding about the technology.
Furthermore, CECIMO and AITA will promote the importance of having professional training and university courses dedicated to AM by involving universities and the EU project SAM - A blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills for additive manufacturing, in which CECIMO is the communication leader.
More information about the activities will follow!