CECIMO Business Climate Barometer
Based on the latest results of the CECIMO Business Climate Barometer survey (January 2022), the general business climate among CECIMO Machine Tools builders has remained very positive, reaching 30% of the positive percentage balance in Q4 2021. Considering all factors that affect business activity, such as skill shortages, shortages of raw materials or materials, and delivery constraints, Machine Tools producers expect the general business climate to be stable in Q1 2022.
Even Machine Tools producers expressed more stable expectations about the general business climate, their expectations towards domestic production, exports and employment in the coming quarter (Q1 2022) are very high and more optimistic compared to the results of the previous survey. Capacity Utilisation levels reached pre-pandemic period levels standing at 87% in the last period of 2021.
More details on the survey results will be released in our upcoming Economic and Statistical Toolbox (Q4 2021).