CECIMO launches two new projects: INTEFIX and DESIGN-MTS
On July 1, 2013, CECIMO along with its project partners kicked off two new projects.
INTEFIX (INTElligent FIXtures for the manufacturing of low rigidity components), funded by the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7), aims to increase the performance of the machining processes by using intelligent fixture systems. These systems will allow the monitoring, control and adaptation of the process to obtain suitable results according to precision, quality and cost requirements. The main outcome of the INTEFIX project will be the integration of new and state of the art technologies (sensors, actuators, control algorithms, simulation tools, etc.) and modular fixtures capable of modifying the behaviour and interactions between the process and systems in machining operations. This will reduce time and costs and offer improved performance and capabilities. This project is coordinated by the Spanish foundation TEKNIKER. CECIMO will be a key dissemination partner and increase industrial awareness of the project results through its global network over the next three years.
The DESIGN-MTS project, funded by the EU (Call 41/G/ENT/CIP/12/E/N02S001), aims at enabling and encouraging machine tool manufacturers and other enterprises along the supply chain to take a strategic approach to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. The project focuses on employability, skills, demographic change, active ageing, workplace and environmental challenges. The duration of the project, coordinated by the University of Macerata, Italy, is one and half years. CECIMO will play a crucial role in the implementation of the project and dissemination of its results at global level.
Further details and developments on the INTEFIX and DESIGN-MTS projects will be announced in due course.
For more information, contact Emir Demircan, CECIMO projects coordinator: emir.demircan (at) cecimo.eu