CECIMO’s Contribution to a New European Commission Report: ‘3D Printing for the Machine Tool Industry’

07 July 2021

CECIMO recently contributed to the realisation of a report for the European Commission titled “Product Watch - 3D printing for the machine tool industry”.

The report investigates a still unexplored market application of 3D printing, zooming on its use within the machine tool industry and providing an overview of the value chain and relevant stakeholders.

The objective of the report was to map out the most relevant 3D printing companies providing solutions to the machine tools value chain and address the main strengths and weaknesses in comparison with international players (US and China).

Furthermore, the report highlights that the biggest opportunities for Europe lie in localising maintenance and spare part production and the growing need for customised and complex parts. According to the report both could represent the opportunity to lead the transformation of the 3D printing industry into a global manufacturing player.

You can find more information and the full report below:
