Curriculum Guidelines for KETs and AMT initiative: Interim Report
Skills requirements in manufacturing industries have considerably changed over the last decade, owing to globalisation, industrial restructuring, technological change, the increasing role of ICT in everyday life and new patterns of work organisation. As a result, many manufacturing sectors, including machine tools, have an increasing need for higher levels of competences when it comes to technical specialisation, practical and transversal skills. CECIMO has been promoting the skills-related needs of our industry and has been putting forward recommendations to respond to new challenges facing the sector.
Therefore, we are pleased to announce that the Interim Report for the “Curriculum Guidelines for Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT)” has been published. This Report was prepared in the framework of a new two-year European initiative aiming to increase the quality and relevance of existing curricula. The initiative is coordinated by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (EASME) and the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) of the European Commission.
The Interim Report presents the key findings from the activities performed during the first phase of the Curriculum Guidelines initiative, and specifically in the period from January 2018 until November 2018. It provides an overview of the latest technological trends and market developments for AMT, and addresses the key needs in terms of skills, education and on-the-job training. Furthermore, it contains a state-of-play analysis of the key players in AMT-related education and training in Europe, as well as an overview of the relevant strategies, policies and initiatives at national and EU levels to address the situation regarding the education and training curricula.
The Interim Report contains preliminary findings and conclusions and is made public for stakeholder consultation, and specifically for collecting feedback and additional input that can be used in the second phase. The final version of the findings and conclusions will be provided in the Final Report that is scheduled to be released in the end of 2019.
Your feedback and additional input for this initiative would be highly appreciated. Please send your input to Damir Glas at or Vincenzo Renda at