Industry calls on the EU legislators to respect NLF principles in the Artificial Intelligence Act

30 September 2022

The proposed regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (the Artificial Intelligence Act, henceforth called AI Act) builds on the legal architecture of the New Legislative Framework (NLF) for products.

It adapts some of the well-established principles and concepts to accommodate the specificities of AI. The NLF creates a comprehensive regime for market surveillance, boosts the quality of conformity assessment, and enhances regulatory certainty and ease of compliance. It also improves safety for European consumers regarding products’ safety and performance via strengthened oversight.

While horizontal, the NLF represents a blueprint for a range of product legislation. Signatories support incorporating the concepts of the NLF into the AI Act. Therefore, when creating an additional layer of AI specific requirements, it has to be ensured that the implementation of the AI Act is being done coherently in the product-specific legislation.