CECIMO’S Reaction to the Updated EU Industrial Strategy: Building a stronger Single Market for Europe’s recovery
The European Commission published on the 5th of May 2021 its updated Industrial Strategy: Building a stronger Single Market for Europe's Recovery. The Communication recalls the lessons learned from the crisis and lays out the main policy priorities under three main strands, i.e. strengthening Single Market resilience, dealing with Europe's strategic dependencies and accelerating the twin transitions.
CECIMO welcomes the new Industrial Strategy that recognises the vital role of the European industry in leading the green and digital transitions, while ensuring the competitiveness of our industries in the context of the recovery from the Coronavirus crisis. In that context, CECIMO prepared a reaction on the new Strategy highlighting fundamental factors for fostering industry recovery and mastering the twin transitions. CECIMO, therefore, believes that the industrial strategy is going in the right direction, representing an important step for a more ambitious European industrial policy.