Special Report on additive manufacturing, engine of industrial revival
CECIMO keeps promoting the machine tool industry and additive manufacturing at the European level. In line with this goal, we supported a Euractiv Special Report, which aims at raising awareness on additive manufacturing as one of the technologies of the future and gives an overview of the different measures to be taken at the European level.
The Report opens with an opinion article the needs and reasons to make FP9 an unmissable opportunity to step up public research investment in this technology. We called the EU to increase R&D funding commitments for additive manufacturing and keep ambitious R&D strategies. Indeed, “a large-scale deployment of AM will bring plentiful advantages for industry and the whole society”.
The Report ends with an interview to Mr Reinahrd Buetikofer, an influential Member of the European Parliament involved in industrial issues. According to him, additive manufacturing may help to strengthen the competitive position of European industry if Europe manages to turn its research efforts into innovative results. The race to be at the top of the fourth industrial revolution will be played in the next five-ten years and Europe needs to compete with other industrialised countries.