Additive manufacturing european conference (AMEC)

Tuesday December 7, 11:00 – 12:30 CET (ONLINE)

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AMEC 2021

In the last years, the AM industry has been evolving at an unprecedented pace, moving beyond rapid prototyping and tooling applications. The main reasons of the success can be found the swift evolution of sustainable cross-sectorial demand, the increasing maturity of technologies, and the growing relevance of efficiency in any manufacturing process (in terms of material use, transport, logistics etc).

Thanks to technological advancements, AM will offer new and more performant products and superior agility and flexibility in production in many sectors.

The EU has the opportunity to lead the way in the industrialization of this sector.

The 7th edition of AMEC focused on the latest technological improvements and applications of AM in the different crucial industries (transport, medical, aerospace and construction).

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